China's first educational handbook on GPP published

The GPP Patient Education Handbook, China's first educational publication for patients with generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP), a rare and severe skin disease, was published in Shanghai on Saturday.

Renowned dermatologist Gao Xinghua, who is also vice-president of the First Hospital Affiliated with the China Medical University, led the compilation process. The Chinese Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD) and the GPP patient community – the Ginkgo Rare Skin Disease (GPP) Care Center – also played a role in the compilation, while German pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim provided support.

GPP is a rare skin disease often characterized by acute onset. In addition to reddening of the skin and the emergence of multiple pustules all over the body, sufferers also develop symptoms such as fever, chills, and painful skin lesions. In severe cases, GPP can lead to life-threatening organ failures and complications.

Around 1.4 individuals out of every 100,000 in China suffer from GPP, according to experts. Due to its rarity and the limited understanding of the disease, early diagnosis is uncommon.

According to Gao, the book answers questions that are commonly asked by patients. It also includes a chart for patients to record their symptoms when an attack occurs, and another regarding long-term disease management.

The first biological agent used to treat GPP attacks was approved for marketing in China last year.ysts.